ESR branded compatible remanufactured cartridges offered by ARMOR are subject to a series of tests and certifications for compliance with environmental, health and print quality standards.
AMES test
The Ames test is a biological test used to determine the mutagenic potential of a chemical compound and is performed on substances. It is used to confirm the non-mutagenicity of cartridges.
ASTM International is an organisation which develops and publishes technical standards. Its members are representatives of producers, users, governments and universities from over 100 countries.
Blue Angel
The Blue Angel is an eco-label established by Germany’s federal government in 1978. It sets high standards for designing environmentally-friendly products and helps to provide information and guidelines for sustainable consumption.
Circular economy
The circular economy is based on an economic model of sustainable consumption guided by the concepts of green economy and industrial ecology in which the waste from an industry is given a second life, i.e. recycled into raw material for the original industry or for another use. This economy functions as a loop in that the waste is reintegrated into the production cycle. The goal is to reduce environmental impact, consumption and waste of raw materials.
DIN Institute
DIN, the German institute for standardisation, is a non-profit organisation with members from industry, commerce, public authorities, professional organisations and research organisations.
DIN 33870-1 (for monochrome toner cartridges) and DIN 33870-2 (for colour toner cartridges) are certifications of compliance with German standards for remanufactured cartridge manufacturers. These standards cover printing quality requirements.
ETIRA – European Toner and Inkjet Remanufacturers Association
This association brings together 45 European businesses which are the major representatives of the remanufactured cartridge industry. ETIRA seeks to promote remanufactured products and to develop a clear identity for the European remanufacturing industry alongside governments, the media and consumers. The association advocates raising public awareness, eco-responsibility and ethical consumption. Each member strives to respect demanding standards and quality norms, as well as to conduct tests associated with the various labels and certifications: ISO, DIN, ASTM, etc.
ISO/IEC 24711
The ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) “is an international non-governmental organisation bringing together 161 expert members who pool their knowledge to develop voluntary international standards, which are based on consensus, relevant to the market, support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges”.
ISO/IEC 24711 certifies methods for determining ink cartridge yield for colour inkjet printers and multi-function devices that contain printer components.
(source: website https://www.iso.org, 05/04/2018).
ISO/IEC 24712: Colour test pages for measurement of office equipment consumable yield.
ISO 19752/19798
ISO 19752: Method for the determination of toner cartridge yield for monochromatic electrophotographic printers and multi-function devices.
ISO 19798: Method for the determination of toner cartridge yield for colour printers and multi-function devices that contain printer components.
(source: website, https://www.iso.org, 05/04/2018).
ISO 9001
ISO 9001 is a standard which guarantees quality management principles with a strong customer focus. ISO 9001:2015 helps ensure that customers get consistent, good quality products and services. (Source: https://www.iso.org/fr/iso-9001-quality-management.html).
ISO 14001
ISO 14001 is a standard for environmental management. This standard assures consumers who are concerned about the environment that the certified businesses have demonstrated that they are environmentally responsible through their products and actions.
“Issued by an independent and impartial body, NF Certification attests to the conformity of products and services with national, European and international normative documents, such as standards, and if applicable technical specifications for even higher-level certification quality. All the requirements to be met for a particular product or service category are specified in the corresponding NF certification document validated by interested parties in the sector concerned.”(Source: website http://marque-nf.com/, 05/04/2018)
Nordic Eco label
The Nordic Ecolabel is the eco-label of Nordic countries which meets very strict criteria to certify sustainable solutions and development throughout the life cycle of the product being tested. The certification criteria cover health and environmental concerns.
Qualicert is a certification which validates service commitments implemented by the audited company. Qualicert is issued by an independent third party. The issued services certification is based on a benchmark agreed upon and defined by professionals, users and public authorities, and can attest to the service commitments provided to the customers. The entire OWA circular economy offer is QUALICERT certified (collection, sorting and recycling, remanufacturing and distribution). It certifies that ARMOR is respecting its commitment to quality and 100% recycling.
A European regulation concerning the safe use of chemical substances (powders, compounds). Anyone who manufactures, imports or uses substances must respect the REACH regulation. Any chemical substances produced in the European Union or imported in quantities of more than one tonne per year must be registered.
STMC (Standardised Test Methods Committee): standardised test methods designed by remanufacturing industry professionals consisting of measuring the autonomy, the optical density, the background and the resistance of packaging.